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[Soup] Mushroom Miso Soup

by snosno 2007. 1. 16.

Miso soup

Ingredients (serves 4)

• 4 cups dashi
• 2 tbsp miso
• 1 pack (100g) shimeji mushrooms
• 1 cake (400g) tofu
• 1 leek or Welsh onion

How to make dashi (Japanese soup stock)
Bring 4 cups of water to the boil, put in two handfuls of bonito flakes (or two packages of dried bonito flakes), scoop the flakes with a net, and filter the liquid.
If you use instant dashi powder, follow the instructions on the pack.

Bring the dashi to the boil and add mushrooms.
Cut the tofu into cubes and add to the pot.
Dissolve miso paste; remove from heat before soup gets to boiling point.

Garnish with thin sliced leek (or Welsh onion).

* 버섯과 미소(일본된장)을 넣기전에..먼저, bonito를 넣어서 우려뇐 국물이 중요.
버섯을 굳이 넣지 않고도, 말끔한 미소스프가 완성.

끝으로, 송송 썰어넣은 파를 잘게 많이?(각, 취향에) 넣어주면 좋은 appetizer이 될듯 싶다.
미소스프는 한국된장보다 엷어서, 자주 끓여 먹게 되는 것 같다.

미소된장은 일본수입코너에 가면 쉽게 구할수도 있다.